Infertility and CNBC

Coping with Infertility or being Childless not by Choice.

Childlessness affects over 1/5th of our society and yet the pro-natalist obsession causes alienation and pain to those struggling with Childlessness not by Choice.

Why we suffer from Issues & how SFH can help

Why do we suffer from issues like anxiety, anger, depression? How are these created? How do we move forward in our lives, free from these issues? We have two mindsets – the intellectual mindset which is rational and always sees things with a balanced perspective, and an emotional primitive mindset also known as our "flight fight freeze" response. When we are feeling anxious or depressed, we respond to situations using this emotional primitive mind. So what can we do about it.

Overcome issues and start moving forward with a Free Initial Consultation

Overcome issues and start moving forward with a Free Initial Consultation Book Today It has been 5 weeks since our lives changed in a way we have never experienced before. This pandemic has created global anxiety, fear and frustration. On top of this massive change, people are still dealing with previous issues such as lack of confidence, feeling insecure, anxiety, dealing with sickness or grief. Any issues you were currently facing before this crisis have only been magnified, I’m sure. Maybe this pandemic means you have more time on your hands to work on things you have been struggling with.

Be Kind to Strangers

This is the final part of three blog posts on Kindness. The first ‘Be kind to yourself’ about letting yourself off the hook, the second ‘Be kind to your household’ especially when they are trying your patience which can be read by clicking the links. This one is focusing on being kind to strangers. Kindness is like a viral YouTube video. Every person who sees it feels like sharing it with others.
Hello Positivitys guide to Self Care

Hello Positivity’s guide to Self Care

Its safe to say that the outbreak of COVID-19 means it is a very scary time right now and it doesn’t look to be getting much better any time soon. With all the uncertainty and fear its natural that people’s anxiety levels are increasing and with more and more people having to self-isolate, it can also be pretty boring which can lead to feelings of frustration. It is important to keep doing things that will keep your mental health in a good place. Read on for Hello Positivity's guide to Self Care and discover ways that you can look after your mental health throughout this period.
Creating Positivity

Creating Positivity – One Small Step at a Time

Having a positive mindset is associated with lower stress levels, higher levels of physical and emotional wellbeing, a stronger immune system, better cardiovascular health and higher levels of resilience in difficult situations. However, this is not toxic positivity, it’s important to know that all feelings and emotions are valid. Sometimes being positive can seem impossible for some. Why is this?
change your thinking

Helpful ways to change your Thinking

You have heard all the benefits of positive thinking, but try as you might you just cant get into the mindset. You are not alone. When we are stressed, anxious or depressed we tend to use our primitive brain – your fight or flight response. This brain is negative – it needs to always think of the worst possible scenario so it can ‘protect you’. It’s obsessional, it will continue to ruminate on negative thoughts as it thinks by reminding you of the ‘threat’ it will keep you from it. This works for a real-life tangible threat, but not when we are only feeling this threat in our minds eye. It’s ok that positive thinking doesn’t come naturally. The good news is that It is a habit, and like all habits we can develop it with practice. The more you practice the better you will become at it.
New Year but not new you

New Year but Not New You?

The New Year is a great time to wipe the slate clean and set goals for the future, however many good intentions to change result in piling on the guilt, stress and anxiety due to broken resolutions.
feeling Overwhelmed

Feeling Overwhelmed?

It’s natural to feel overwhelmed at times, we all lead very busy lives; running a house, keeping kids alive, keeping our bosses happy, spending time with family or friends, and finally doing things just for us. It’s amazing how we fit it all in.
Six steps to a Better Nights Sleep

Six steps to a better nights Sleep

“Sleep is the golden chain that binds health and our bodies together” — Thomas Dekker. Having good quality sleep provides us with many benefits in our waking life. It improves productivity and concentration, improves your immune function, increases your resilience and your ability for social interaction. Poor sleep can be linked to weight gain, depression and other illnesses. Thankfully there are a number of practical things you can do to help get a better night’s sleep.